"Singing the Cosmos" and "Hot Knife in Butter"
Two aurora-inspired poems from astronomer-poet Kim Whysall-Hammond
Kim Whysall-Hammond is a Londoner who now lives deep in the English countryside. She has worked in Climate Research and in Telecommunications. Her speculative poetry has appeared in American Diversity Report, Andromeda Spaceways, Eternal Haunted Summer, Frozen Wavelets, Kaleidotrope, On Spec, Silver Blade and Star*line. She also has poems in anthologies from Milk and Cake Press and Brigids Gate Press.
Singing the Cosmos
Whirring spinning singingÂ
tilting weaving space-time
in the abyss of creation
making moment by moment
inch by inch will take aeons
spun out on the reel of quantum
Space dreams out time
time is the distance travelled by a life
eternity is a place
all is understood
but not understandable
Hot Knife in Butter
Her knives cut through sky
hiss and flow like gossamer tails
 coyote as he plays with fire
the sharp tingle of particles as they burn a magnetic oven
Sperm Whale sends her songs out into the cold ocean
staccato clicks encoded with
 messages and love songs
as our lady Aurora dances with our senses